Mark Keller about the move to Rutgers Alcohol Studies Archives

I have learned to deal with emotions, grown-up mentally stronger – something that I should have done at an early age. I believe that I have been robbed of 25 years of my life, and I point the finger at you for this. Writing a goodbye letter to alcohol can be done with pen and paper, or on a computer, or phone – or whatever suits you.

  • I have no idea how I’m ever gonna eat crawfish again.
  • You give false confidence and make-believe happiness.
  • Always there…ready to help me relax.
  • I almost felt like I was losing my mind.
  • When I threw out my back, you comforted me for weeks and eased the pain.

He also lets alcohol know the hope he holds for a future without it. You may be talking to your future self with this letter, so providing words of encouragement can be helpful. Remind yourself that you can do this and that drugs and alcohol do not need to control your life. Be that supportive voice you may need to hear at a future date. These same words may stop you from relapsing later on.

Miranda’s Letter

As a result of that show people started sending me their own Goodbye Letters and then we began to include it in our workshop toolkit. I have no idea how I’m ever gonna eat crawfish again. The beach may have lost its luster too.

goodbye letter to alcohol

There are lots of methods of quitting alcohol out there and it is very much a ‘horses for courses’ approach. This particular tool worked well with me. I do re-read it from time to time, but this is just something that has helped me along my own personal path. A goodbye letter to alcohol in it’s basic form is simply another tool that you can utilise on your path to sobriety. It gives you the opportunity to be very honest with yourself and your relationship with alcohol. Tough days might come, but with our supportive sober community, you’re never alone.

Write your own goodbye letter to alcohol

You said I was smarter than other people, even more attractive. I felt like if I had you by my side, I could conquer the world. This is my goodbye letter to addiction, a farewell to the false promises and illusions you created.

Charles Kelley drops new live video of ‘As Far As You Could’ – Good Morning America

Charles Kelley drops new live video of ‘As Far As You Could’.

Posted: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

I would be so resolved to end it and like an old friend, it would come calling and make everything better if only for a few hours. I was deeply involved with a bad influence who was charming, promising, and liar. I find myself getting excited about the future.

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And the more honest you are towards yourself, the more of a useful tool you will find it. Using this method of moving thoughts to something physical is a powerful goodbye letter to alcohol thing. Harnessing this power to write a letter to alcohol – a goodbye letter spelling out the end of your relationship – that is some serious power to harness.

How could you come between my family and me? You couldn’t handle even a few special days off so others could shine. When you have decided that alcohol should no longer be a part of your life, you will inevitebly find more time on your hands. But what will you do with this spare time? There is a whole life out there without alcohol, it is now just a case of…

How Court-Ordered Treatment Can Help Combat Substance Abuse

The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been. My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace. Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun. I’ve said goodbye to relationships that held me back and hello to ones that push me to be the best version of myself. With the help, love, and support of God, as well as my family and counselors, I crawled out of the dirt and fought back.